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Úvod - Kultura - Západočeské lázně a Krušné hory - západ - Muzea - Západočeské lázně a Krušné hory - západ - MUSEUM OF BOOKBINDING IN LOKET



Negarantovaná informace
Place:Městská knihovna v Lokti
Address:T.G.Masaryka 1/69, 357 33 Loket
Telephone:+420 352 684 229
GPS:50°11'9,300"N, 12°45'11,020"E
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The city of Loket opened the Museum of Bookbinding in the year 2001 as a permanent exhibit in the Black Tower. Artistic bookbinders and Loket residents, Jan and Jarmila Sobota, were invited to create the museum. Shortly after their return to the Czech Republic from the United States in 1997, the Sobotas initiated the forming of the Czech Society of Bookbinding, whose headquarters is in Loket. Their popularity among Czech bookbinders and collectors, as well as their friendship with foremost bookbinders from around the world helped the museum obtain 90% of its exhibit in the form of donations.

In 2003 the museum moved from the Black Tower to the ground floor of the early baroque building of the Loket city hall. This beautiful exhibition space is closer and more convenient for visitors. The display has added several new exhibits, but its title remains the same as in the Black Tower: Bookbinding throughout the Ages.

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