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Úvod - Orlické hory a podhůří - Letohrad - LETOHRAD



Negarantovaná informace
Address:561 51 Letohrad
Telephone:+420 465 676 420
GPS:50°2'10,000"N, 16°29'54,570"E
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Letohrad is a lovely little town beneath Orlické hory (Eagle mountains). It used to be called Kyšperk until the year 1950. It lies in the East Bohemia on the bank of the river Tichá Orlice. The first mention comes from the year 1308. The biggest development run over the 17th century, when the Earl Ignác Jetřich Vitanovský of Vlčkovice changed the town and lives of local people in the most significant way. He rebuilt the fortress and changed it into a baroque palace and founded a baroque church of the St. Wenceslas. This church is beautifully decorated with fabulous plasters (stucco) from an Italian master Giovanni Maderna. A dominating feature of the square is the baroque Marian Plaque Column.

The town offers its visitors nice tours to nearby Orlické hory, lovely walks into the forests around Letohrad and beautiful views of the surrounding countryside. A baroque chapel of St. Jan Nepomuk on the hill above the town attracts the visitors as well. Also a castle park in English style with classicism summerhouse and cave - grotto with lookout is a great place to walk or rest.

In the Municipal museum you can see the original Napoleon's sleigh, on which Napoleon came from Moscow to Dresden in 1812. There is also private Museum of Handcrafts in Letohrad. The world-famous Czech painter Alfons Mucha lived and worked in this town in years 1934 - 35. His sketches are also in the collection of the Municipal museum.

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